Welcome to Imanadari Counselling

Imanadari is a Hindi word which can be interpreted as meaning integrity, honesty, truthfulness and sincerity. Essentially Imanadari is about being true to your self.

Our approach

Imanadari Counselling acknowledges that human diversity is a positive and essential part of wellbeing. Our aim with all people who come to us is to respect their fundamental right to express themselves as unique beings, whatever consensual form that expression may take. Medicare Rebates are available with a GP referral. 

Feel free to browse around our site. Here you will find helpful articlesresources, and  information about our practice and therapists.


How we can help

Anxiety and Panic
Depression and Stress
Grief and Loss
Relationships and Families (however you define them)
Gender Identity and Sexuality
Past Trauma and Family of Origin Issues
Bullying and Oppression
Fertility and Parenting Choices
Pregnancy and Postnatal Emotions
Diverse Cultural and Faith Experiences
Asylum and Refugee Concerns
Addictions Counselling
Neurodiversity and Autism/Aspie Spectrum Experiences
Living with Long-Term Medical Conditions


In-person and remote options

Our office is conveniently located in Ultimo, NSW. Can’t make it into the office? No worries – we’ve got you covered with telehealth.


Why Imanadari?

Imanadari is a Hindi and Urdu word with several different interpretations, just as people who come to our practice come from a range of linguistic and cultural backgrounds and walks of life. Imanadari can be interpreted as meaning integrity, as meaning honesty, as truthfulness and as sincerity. Essentially Imanadari is about being true to who you are.

Imanadari was chosen as the name our counselling practice, because these qualities are essential parts of human health and wellbeing. It is impossible to experience fulfillment and connection with others until you have a full understanding and acceptance of yourself.

It is our belief that people already carry within them all the knowledge that they need to live in line with their own values and be the best version of themselves that they can be. Our role as counsellors is to help you uncover what those values are, and help you to follow those values with integrity and honesty.


Monica Raven
Registered Psychologist

Simon Wegman
Clinical Psychologist

Brianna Bullivant

Janet Doubleday
Clinical Psychologist

Jonny Chan
Clinical Psychologist

Damien Hall
Office Manager

Sunali Lewis
Clinical Psychologist

Jimmy Muecke
Registered Psychologist

Get started with Imanadari