Get Involved

Here at Imanadari we are always looking for people to get involved. Currently, we are looking for people who would like to help with our long term goal - creating a network of LGBTQ+, kink and poly friendly services across Australia.


If you are a health professional

Contact us for a professional appointment. We are always looking for other professionals who share our ethos and would like to help serve the LGBTQ+, CALD, poly, body mod and kink communities.


If you are a member of the community

Contact us to see how you can get involved. We are currently looking for people who have a background in forming/managing co-operatives, policy, project management, IT and marketing.

If you are the owner of a business

Contact us to discuss how to make your company a diversity friendly place for staff, clients and customers.


Want to help, but don't know how?

Don't have a background in any of the above areas, but still want to help? Contact us anyway! Whoever you are, we can always use people to help spread the word and give us ideas about how to make Imanadari Counselling a more welcoming place.